Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Clark, Penelope, Hank and Henry

Chapter 26

Sunday was so great! I love when we have speakers in sacrament that can bring a story to life! Sister Mossman did just that! She is the Matron of the Kona Hawaii Temple and I love her!!! So very talent and LOVELY....... She shared a few stories from her childhood. She loves to write short snippets to grab attention so that her grandchildren and children will not get bored but instead be intrigued by the title of her stories.  If she does not write these stories they will be lost and no one will know.
This morning as I was driving to the market and I was thinking of my Native American grandfather, Standford Davis.
I was thinking of how much I miss him. I wish I could tell him I love him just so he could nod his head to me. A nod is all I need:)
I do not have many pictures of him because back in the day it was film and the old style cameras. I'm getting ancient!!!!!
I did find this one and he's holding Sister Harris...YAYAYAYAY!!!!
There he is in his good ol' cowboy hat. The hardest working man around! And my super cute Grandma Truma the sweetest, gentle, kind , loving, talented, honorable women I am blessed to call Gram's! 
Can you tell I really love them both!
My grandpa didn't have long drawn out conversations they were short and to the point. I thought it quite funny that he nicknamed Walker. As each child came along he would give a new nickname. These names would put a smile on his face and entertain my Uncle Blaine who is in the background. My uncle is one of Heavenly Father's special spirits who will inherit the Celestial Kingdom. My uncle still asks me my name, he knows my name, he likes to tease.
Let me introduce you to
Walker aka CLARK
Alema aka HANK 
Timbe aka HENRY
Timbe is named after my Grandpa's Shoshone name Timbeche. Timbeche means rock in Shoshone.  In our tribe long ago names were not given the moment a child was born. A personality had to develop and a name came later. Apparently my grandpa liked to play with rocks when he was little hence the name Timbeche. It is a honor for all of our children to be named after a grandparent. My grandpa never called them by their given names and I love that memory!
These two little angels came after Grandpa passed:( no nicknames for them. I might have Grandma nickname them for me. I think he might have named Nivee, SHIRLEY and Winter,  DOROTHY! Who knows? 
I love you Grandpa!!!!! 

Nivee and Winter
 I am excited about family history work. I want to know more about my ancestors. I want my posterity to know about all of us. I want to go to the temple and do the work for my family! I certainly feel their love and I know they feel our love too!
 Why Mormons Do Family History Work

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