Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Turkey & Gravy

Chapter 24
I have to admit that today I was a bit apprehensive to show up on someone's door with a turkey dinner in hand. Let me explain.

Have you ever met someone that you were so impressed with but have no idea who they are? Only that they can do something that is amazing and you wish you could do it too.  I have and I finally got the nerve to stop her one day and tell her how amazing I think she is!
Living on the Big Island there is no shortage of world class athletes that come here to train and complete. We are lucky to have the IRONMAN World Triathlon Championship in our backyard every year. 
 The world literally converges on our tiny bit of paradise. I cannot even put into words the amount of dedication these individuals along with their teams endure and sacrifice just to make it to Kona to compete.
There is one lady that I would say rivals these IRONMAN and I have wanted to share the gospel with her. 
If you have ever visited Kona or live here you know that nothing is easy when it comes to working out. It doesn't matter if you are biking or running you are either going up a hill or down a hill! You have to endure the extreme heat of the lava fields and you are at the mercy of the sun and wind.
The wind has always intimidated me and that's why I haven't got myself to get on a bike and Queen K Highway scares me to death! Are you kidding me, that's IRONMAN territory!
That's what is so amazing about this lady! Everyday for months I would see her biking. Sometimes, I would be in Kona and she would be there on her bike. Sometimes, I would be passing the airport and there she would be on her bike. Later in the day I would see her in Waikoloa and think, how does she have the endurance? How can she possibly put forth the energy to ride uphill for 25 miles than back home. I might mention that she is a Grandmother.
One day I saw her coming up the hill on her bike and I pulled my car over and got out. I wanted to tell her how inspirational she was to me. I wanted her to know that I had noticed her hard work. She was so kind and her name so beautiful. I wished her luck and she was on her way.
Wednesday's have become my help the missionaries day. I look forward to Wed because I know that Heavenly Father is going to help me have courage. I so badly wanted to find my friend so I could bear my testimony to her and give her a pass a long card.
Guess what! There she was on her bike again and she was stopping at the market. I was on my way to the post office and I said a prayer to Heavenly Father to please let her be there when I got back . I ran into the market and she was so sweet and kind to me. I asked her if she would be willing to let me and a couple of missionaries from our church share a message with her. It gives me courage to ask this because if my kids can do it so can I. She gave me her number and I met the Elder's over at her home that day. She and her husband were beyond gracious and kind. A invitation was extended to learn more and they accepted a Book of Mormon. 
Our super Elder's have been in contact and found out that she had tripped and broke her kneecap. She had just got out of surgery the day they called. 
I am so thankful for the Relief Society and the sister's that have been there for me whenever I have been in need. I felt such a strong desire to show my friend the LOVE that has been shown to me my whole life. I wanted to let her know that she is LOVED! I wanted her to feel a bit of the love that is extended through the Relief Society.
While I was talking to her in the market I noticed she had alot of turkey gravy packets in her cart. Why, I would notice that I have no idea other than I thought they must love turkey:)
Today was a fun day making a turkey lunch to deliver. 
Maybe just maybe I was suppose to notice those gravy packets. 
I hope one day she will let me ride with her into Kona. I might just feel like a IRONMAN next to her on that big scary highway!
And we enjoyed turkey for lunch too:)

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